Shake well and spray directly onto the plant making sure a good coverage is applied to both upper and lower leaf surface*. Bug Guard should be used preventatively or at first sign of pests. When applied on edibles there is no harvest interval, just wash before eating. For best results re-apply every 7 days. *some varieties of plants may be susceptible to scorch, especially in hot conditions, always test on a small area first.
Westland Bug Guard
Westland Bug Guard is a ready to use spray that controls pests and boosts plant health whilst posing no harm to bees and wildlife. There is also no harvest interval when using this spray, simply wash crop and enjoy. Use all year round on ornamental plants, fruit and vegetable crops. Can be used indoors, outdoors or in greenhouses. Controls Aphids, Whitefly, Spider Mites, Mealybugs, Scale Insect and Psyllids.
Key features:
- Formulation smothers pests making them immobile
- Boosts plant health
- Bee and wildlife friendly
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